• 讲英语时如何听起来更客气

    21-09-17 首先来说明一下,平时,在用英语和熟人或者朋友对话的时候,我们往往会更随意一些。由于这位网友的问题中提到了 怎样委婉地用英语点菜,所以,下面我们就通过举一些在吃饭时常能用到的例句,来教大家怎样更礼貌地说英语,这些句型通常也可以用在其它语境和场景中。 先...

  • cling obstinately to one's course 一意孤行

    21-08-30 一意孤行,汉语成语,指不接受别人的劝告,顽固地按照自己的主观想法去做。可以翻译为cling obstinately to ones course,be bent on having ones own way等。 例句: 达夫一意孤行,不愿意听他父亲的建议。 Duff would not listen to his fathers advice, but took hi...

  • date 约会

    21-07-16 夏天,你最期待的是什么? 是橘子味儿的汽水?亮晶晶的海滩?各种口味的冰棍?还是怦然心动的约会(date)? date作为动词表示(谈恋爱)和...约会,通常的表达是date somebody;作为名词表示约会或约会的对象,恋人,可以说:have a date (with sb),go (out) on a date...

  • follow as a matter of course 顺理成章

    21-05-21 顺理成章,成语,本指写文章、做事情顺着条理就能做好(write/do with good arrangement/presentation)。比喻随着某种情况的发展而自然产生的结果。可以翻译为follow as a matter of course或be logical/rational。 例句: 他们认为她父亲来帮忙是顺理成章的事情。 Th...

  • give something a go 试一把

    21-05-08 有时候,挑战新事物会让人感到无比兴奋,而有时却又让人望而却步。表达 give something a go 的意思是 试做从未尝试过的事情或活动,它多用于鼓励他人去做原本不喜欢做的事。 例句 Youll love playing hockey why dont you give it a go? 你会爱上曲棍球的。为什么不试...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 36

    21-05-07 Edmund now believed himself perfectly acquainted with all that Fanny could tell, or could leave to be conjectured of her sentiments, and he was satisfied. It had been, as he before presumed, too hasty a measure on Crawfords side, and time must be gi...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 30

    21-05-07 Miss Crawfords uneasiness was much lightened by this conversation, and she walked home again in spirits which might have defied almost another week of the same small party in the same bad weather, had they been put to the proof; but as that very eve...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 15

    21-03-17 Mr. Woodhouse was soon ready for his tea; and when he had drank his tea he was quite ready to go home; and it was as much as his three companions could do, to entertain away his notice of the lateness of the hour, before the other gentlemen appeared...

  • to set expectations 设立期望值

    21-01-30 搭配 to set expectations 的意思是 选择或决定将会发生的事情或行事方法,并与此事所涉及的人进行交流沟通。上级或管理人士通常会为下属 set expectations (制定目标)。 例句 When I started my new course, the trainer set very clear expectations about the workl...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 2

    20-11-11 IM going to school this morning; so come up and get ready, said Fanny, a day or two after, as she left the late breakfast-table. You look very nice; what have you got to do? asked Polly, following her into the hall. Prink half an hour, and put on he...