• cradle snatcher 姐弟恋

    22-03-02 按照字面意思,应该说成sister-younger brother love。 但是最好不这么说。因为英语里的sister和brother是有血缘关系的亲属。 其实关于姐弟恋,这里还有一种说法cradle snatcher。 You are dating someone five years younger? You cradle snatcher! 你在跟比你小五岁...

  • puma 美洲狮

    14-03-27 Puma refers to an attractive woman in her late 20s or early 30s. She is a pre-cougar. Cougar is an older woman who frequents clubs in order to score with a much younger man. 美洲狮指的是年纪在三十岁左右的漂亮女人。她具有发展为熟女的潜力。熟女指的是...

  • 美洲狮在美国某些地区再次出现

    12-06-18 American mountain lions, or cougars(美洲狮) , are re-emerging in areas of the United States, reversing 100 years of decline. The evidence, published in The Journal of Wildlife Management, raises new conservation questions, such as how humans can l...
