• 狗能嗅得出主人压力大

    23-01-29 Our canine companions come in many sizes, shapes and personalities, but they all seem to share a common sensitive trait. 我们的爱犬有各种各样的大...

  • homebody 宅男

    22-03-22 我们常说的宅男可以是homebody,Sam Hunt的那首《House Party》就唱到: If you wanna be a homebody 如果你想宅在家 Were gonna have a house party 我们就来场家庭派对 【敲黑板】宅男、宅女还可以怎么说? ①homebody/indoors-man/indoors-woman ②stay-at-home...

  • 别懒了!

    21-05-30 1. Quit being so lazy. 别那么懒洋洋的。 动词quit+ doing something 的结构可以用来提醒、命令他人不要做;别。形容词lazy的意思是懒惰的、懒散的。 2. Dont waste the day. 别浪费时间了。 搭配waste the day的意思是浪费时间、虚度时光;Dont do something是一个表...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 22

    20-12-20 In the hall she found Steve and Kitty, for he had hidden his little sweetheart behind the big couch, feeling that she had a right there, having supported his spirits during the late anxiety with great constancy and courage. They seemed so cozy, bill...

  • couchsurfing 沙发冲浪

    20-09-26 Couchsurfing refers to the practice of moving from one friends house to another, sleeping in whatever spare space is available, floor or couch, generally staying a few days before moving on to the next house. 沙发冲浪指的是不断地从一个朋友的家搬到另...

  • couching distance 沙发距离

    14-03-27 Couching distance originally refers to the distance one can reach without leaving the couch or sofa. But now it can also refer to distance that literally requires you to leave the couch but is near enough anyway. 沙发距离最初指无需离开沙发就能够到的...

  • 看电视太久会使男性精子数量减少

    13-02-07 最近发表在《英国运动医学杂志》的一份研究报告指出,男人精子数量减少或与其看电视的时间太长相关。该研究针对189名18到22岁的健康男性进行,研究发现,每周看电视20小时以上的男性精子数比不看电视的男性少44%。 Guys may now have another reason to get off the co...

  • Couch commerce 沙发商务

    12-08-08 Couch commerce refers to the phenomenon of people doing their shopping using tablet and smartphone devices. 沙发商务指的是人们用平板电脑和智能手机购物的现象。 With the introduction of the iPad from Apple, tablet sales have skyrocketed over the past...
