• 中国科学家发现治疗肥胖的化合物

    17-04-10 Chinese scientists have extracted a medicinal compound from the natural herb, thunder god vine, which targets cell metabolism and could help tackle obesity. 中国科学家从一种天然药草雷公藤中提取一种药物化合物,该化合物可以调节细胞代谢并用于治疗肥胖。...

  • 美军在拉登藏身处搜出大量A片

    11-05-21 美方官员近日透露,美军在突袭拉登住所时,在那里发现了大量色情影片。不过美方称尚不明确这些色情片的具体发现地点,也不清楚拉登本人是否看过这些影片。 Pornography(色情文学) was found in the hideout(隐匿处) of Osama bin Laden by the US commandos who ki...

  • 日本科学家利用酒精饮料诱发超导性

    11-03-08 Japanese researchers have been immersing(浸泡) iron-based compounds in hot alcoholic beverages such as red wine, sake and shochu(烧酒) to induce superconductivity. Scientists from the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, found that i...
