• 野猪与疣猪体内可能有生物罗盘

    16-06-23 New research suggests for the first time that wild boars and wart hogs have an internal magnetic compass that helps them orient themselves as they forage for food and inhabit new areas. For the study, investigators observed 1614 wild boars at 31 dif...

  • beer compass 啤酒指南针

    14-09-25 Beer compass refers to the invisible device that ensures your safe arrival home after a booze cruise, even though you're too pissed to remember where you live, how you get there, and where you've come from. It seems that there is a beer compass in y...

  • An old hunter 老猎人

    14-07-30 An old hunter moved to a new place. He got lost in the wood several times. A friend told him to buy a pocket compass and explained its use to him. But the soon got lost again and stayed out. When he was found and asked why he did not use the compass...
