• “超人”漫画拍卖价创纪录

    23-01-29 以超人为封面的第一册漫画以2千1百万美金成交,创下漫画书拍卖的世界新纪录。这本初版动作漫画是1938年出版的,这次通过美国的一个拍卖网站进行拍卖。 When it appeared on newsstands 73 years ago, the first edition of Action Comics cost just ten cents. The cov...

  • 如何辨析because、as和since

    21-01-13 1 Because 比 as 和 since 更常见。我们用 because 来强调事情的原因。 Im tired because I didnt sleep very well. 如果想要额外强调原因,可以将 because 引导的从句放在句首。 Because my bed is uncomfortable, Im getting a bad back. 2 As 和 since 比 because...

  • 《棋魂》火到了日本

    20-12-21 To be honest, I have never felt so nervous when facing the camera. After all, this was the first time I played a leading role, Hu Xianxu told Jiemian news. 老实说,面对镜头,我从未感到如此紧张。毕竟,这是我第一次演主角,胡先煦在接受界面新闻采访时表...

  • webtoons 网络漫画

    15-12-28 Webtoons , also known as webcomics, are Internet-based comic strips available through cellphones. The genre is a growing cultural force in South Korea, supported by an ultrafast Internet and smartphone-crazy populace, and fueled by a small army of y...

  • 美国女博士用漫画讲解化学论文

    15-05-04 Late last spring, a doctoral student worked late into the night. As she doodled, her chemistry thesis took on a life of its own, transforming into a comic book. 去年春末,一位博士生常常忙到深夜。经过她的妙笔,她的化学论文以自己的方式活了起来,变成了...

  • 委内瑞拉男子为cos红骷髅割掉部分鼻子

    15-03-08 As the Daily Mail reports, 37-year-old Henry Damon of Caracas, Venezuela has undergone several procedures, including cutting off a part of his nose, to make himself look like the villain Red Skull from the popular comic book. 据英国《每日邮报》报道...

  • 漫画 美国社会的多元色彩

    14-12-22 The new Captain America is black. A Superman who is suspiciously similar to President Barack Obama recently headlined a comic book. Thor is a woman, Spider-Man is part-Puerto Rican and Ms. Marvel is Muslim. 最近新问世的美国队长是黑人。超人最近登上了...

  • 普京题材漫画在俄罗斯网上流传

    11-05-28 Russia's Vladimir Putin saves the day as a martial arts superhero in a comic strip spreading on the Russian Internet, where he teams up with bearskin-wearing sidekick Dmitry Medvedev. 一部以俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京为主角的连环漫画近日在俄罗斯网上流...

  • 《福布斯》发布虚拟人物富豪榜

    11-04-09 A miserly duck, a vampire and pair of precocious kids are among the richest fictional characters, according to a ranking by Forbes. 《福布斯》最新发布虚拟人物富豪榜。贪婪的老鸭、吸血鬼以及早熟的孩子等虚拟人物纷纷上榜。 Scrooge McDuck, the penny-pinc...

  • 美军方推出漫画作品宣传美日同盟

    10-08-07 在美日安保条约签订50周年以及广岛和长崎原子弹爆炸65周年之际,美国军方推出了一系列漫画作品向日本年轻一代宣传美日安全同盟及其重要性。 The US military is using manga(日本漫画) -style comic books to promote to Japanese children its view on the importan...
