• 衣物类生活常用谚语

    22-05-11 cut from the same cloth 如出一辙 My son and I are cut from the same cloth. 我儿子跟我长得如出一辙 with a fine-toothed comb 严密的审查 We went over the flat with a fine-toothed comb. 我们去了公寓并对它进行了严密的审查。 fit like a glove 完全相合 That...

  • 翻箱倒柜

    22-03-22 1. root around 翻找,翻寻 root的本意是根;根源,作动词表达翻找,翻寻,这个短语尤指在其他物品中寻找,搜寻。 She rooted through/among the papers on her desk. 她在桌上的文件中翻来翻去地找东西。 2. poke around 搜索;翻找 poke主要指用手指、工具或器具去戳...

  • go through something with a fine-tooth comb 仔细检查,彻底搜

    20-11-09 表达 go through something with a fine-tooth comb 或 go over something with a fine-tooth comb(用细齿梳子仔细梳理某物) 的意思是 仔细检查、查看或彻底搜查某物。 这个表达来源于治疗虱子时,人们用间隙密集的细齿梳子 a fine-tooth comb 刮虱子的做法。 例句 L...

  • go through something with a fine-tooth comb 仔细检查某物

    20-09-11 表达 go through something with a fine-tooth comb 或 go over something with a fine-tooth comb(用细齿梳子仔细梳理某物) 的意思是 仔细检查、查看或彻底搜查某物。 这个表达来源于治疗虱子时,人们用间隙密集的细齿梳子 a fine-tooth comb 刮虱子的做法。 例句 L...

  • cowlick 奶牛舔

    15-06-14 Do you ever fight with your hair? You wash it and comb it and try to get it to look perfect. Just when you think you've succeeded -- boing! -- an unruly clump of hair stands up as if to shout Look at me! 你是否曾经和头发斗争过?你洗了头,梳理整齐想...

  • 伦敦市长头发蓬乱 小朋友送梳子要他多梳头

    14-04-04 伦敦市长鲍里斯约翰逊素以头发蓬乱著称,日前他接受两个小朋友访问的时候,被小朋友劝告说,最好要多注重外表,小朋友还送给约翰逊一把梳子,要他多梳梳头。 Boris Johnson has admitted he is frequently told off for not brushing his hair. The London Mayor's unk...

  • Polaroid

    13-11-07 Polaroid Andrew Elliott I once got talking to a girl on a bus. Her father had worked for the US Air Force. She said it had been to do with black shit and stuff. We had both of us boarded at Corpus Christi. I had noticed her hair, it was like my own....

  • 母鸡鸡冠越大 产蛋越多

    12-09-05 A lone rooster sees a lot of all the hens in the flock, but the hen with the largest comb gets a bigger dose of sperm -- and thus more chicks. This sounds natural, but behind all this is humanity's hunger for eggs. For thousands of years, people hav...
