• all the colours of the rainbow 五颜六色、五彩缤纷

    21-08-09 我们用短语 all the colours of the rainbow 来形容某物五颜六色、五彩缤纷。 例句 Jane had some incredible clothes in her wardrobe; they were all the colours of the rainbow. We saw so many amazing birds in the jungle; they were all the colours of the ra...

  • 色彩鲜艳的房间能提升注意力水平

    16-07-03 Struggling with that last minute exam prep? Paint your walls yellow and red. 还在为迎战考试而作最后奋斗吗?把墙刷成黄色和红色吧。 Brightly coloured rooms can boost your concentration levels, scientists have discovered. Students say they prefer to st...

  • 红海深处发现发七色光的珊瑚

    15-06-25 Glowing corals that display a surprising array of colours have been discovered in the deep water reefs of the Red Sea by scientists from the University of Southampton, UK, Tel Aviv University and the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (IU...
