• 选择合适的餐巾可以提升食物口感

    17-07-15 A new report examining the relationship between colored napkins and the flavor of food found that color is a powerful contributor. 一份新报告研究了各种颜色的餐巾和食物口感之间的关系,结果发现,餐巾颜色也是个重要的因素。 The report reveals which colo...

  • 彩色跑2017重回中国

    16-12-21 The International Management Group (IMG) announced on Wednesday that the Color Run, also known as The Happiest 5K on the Planet, will return to China in 2017 with a brand new theme: Dream World Tour. 国际管理集团周三宣布,彩色跑,又名地球上最快乐的5...

  • 螳螂虾利用紫外光斑以及化学信号来评估对手体型

    16-08-04 Mantis shrimp, often brightly colored and fiercely aggressive sea creatures with outsized strength, use the ultraviolet reflectance of their color spots as well as chemical signals to assess the likelihood of victory in combat, according to research...

  • 决定人们如何评价你的性格的七个细节

    16-05-24 1. Your handwriting According to a study, the way someone writes and the size of their handwriting can tell you certain things about the person. According to the research which was conducted by the National Pen Company, it is revealed that persons w...

  • 海淘英语之宝贝信息

    16-04-06 in stock 有货 out of stock 断货 only x left in stock 只剩x件 new 全新 used 二手 size 尺寸 color 颜色 origin 产地 qty = quantity 数量 product details 产品详情 sold by xx 由xx商家出售 new product display 上架新品 quality guarantee 品质保证...

  • 章鱼也有“社交生活”

    16-01-29 Octopuses have generally been viewed as solitary creatures--and their color-changing abilities primarily as a means to hide from hungry predators. But, after binge watching more than 52 hours of octopus TV, researchers reporting in the Cell Press jo...

  • 奥斯卡遭到“缺乏多样性”质疑

    16-01-23 In a video posted to Facebook Monday morning, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the actress posed some powerful, thoughtful questions. 美籍黑人女演员贾达萍克特史密斯于当地时间1月18日一早在Facebook发布一则视频。面对镜头,她频频发问,颇有些振聋发聩的味道。...

  • 商标颜色影响消费者道德判断

    15-12-20 A new study looked at how colors influence or biases the way consumers make ethical judgments, specifically if they view a company as environmentally friendly. 一项新的调查研究颜色如何影响消费者的道德判断,尤其是他们是否认为该品牌环保友好。 Results...

  • color run 彩色跑

    15-07-15 Shanghai has called off the color run and other running events that use colorful powders, in the wake of a tragic dust explosion that killed one and injured more than 500 people at a party in Taiwan's New Taipei city, on June 27. 6月27日台湾新北市彩...

  • 亮色衣服能带来的一些健康有利因素

    14-12-14 Many of us spend our lives in black, brown, navy, white and grey, but by choosing safe shades instead of a brighter wardrobe, we could be missing out on the health benefits implicit in color. 生活中的很多人喜欢穿着黑色,棕色,深蓝色,白色和灰色的衣...