• 欧盟计划推出“数字绿色证书”

    21-03-20 欧盟计划推出数字绿色证书,将发放给已接种新冠疫苗、新冠检测为阴性或患病康复后拥有新冠抗体的欧盟公民。如果该计划获得批准,欧盟公民将能在欧盟内部安全、自由地旅行,也能给岌岌可危的度假地经济带来一丝生机。 The European commission has unveiled a digital g...

  • QR Code中的QR是什么意思

    20-11-29 二维码的英文是QR Code,这个很多同学应该都知道。但QR是什么意思呢? 其实它是Quick Response的缩写,反映出这种二维码具有超高速识读的特点。Quick Response Code也就是快速响应码。 维基百科是这么解释的: A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a...

  • 马克思坟墓加上中文二维码

    19-07-03 A QR code in Chinese language for Karl Marxs tomb at Londons Highgate Cemetery has been launched online by the China National Tourist Office in England. 中国驻英国国家旅游局将位于伦敦海格特公墓中卡尔马克思的坟墓加上中文二维码。 The newly released no...

  • 海南试点高铁电子车票

    18-11-23 Hainan has started piloting E-ticket in its island-looping high-speed line, reports the China News Service. 中国新闻社报道,海南环岛高铁已开始试点电子客票。 The latest trial allows people to check in without producing a paper ticket, which was previ...

  • 中国将建二维码产业基地

    18-05-28 China will soon establish its first industrial base for the development of two-dimensional barcodes, or QR codes. 中国不久将建立首座二维码产业基地。 The China Electronics Chamber of Commerce (CECC) has signed agreements with Lianhuashan eco-tourism...

  • 北京地铁开通二维码芝罘

    18-04-30 Travellers in Beijing can now use a QR code on their smartphone as a ticket to ride the subway, according to a report by Beijing News. 《新京报》报道,北京的出行者现在可以通过手机上的二维码当车票乘地铁。 Passengers can download an app called RuubyPa...

  • 二维码收款 与时俱进的乞讨者

    17-05-06 Beggars in eastern China have improved their takings by accepting donations via mobile phone. 中国东部地区一些乞讨者的收入有所增加,因为他们接受手机支付的捐款。 Pictures of a beggar with a printout of a QR code -- a type of barcode -- round his neck...

  • 2/3的癌症难以避免

    17-04-05 Two thirds of cancers are unavoidable even if you live a healthy life, a study has shown. 研究表明,即使生活方式健康,依然有三分之二的癌症是难以避免的。 Scientists in the US found cancers are caused by random mistakes in the genetic code that occur...

  • 如何成为一位完美的宾客

    16-11-04 Want to be the perfect houseguest and get invited back again? Dont use your phone, always take off your shoes and never ask for the Wi-Fi password. 想要成为一位完美的宾客吗?想再次被邀请吗?不要使用手机,始终脱鞋,永远不问Wi-Fi密码。 An etiquette st...

  • 英国推出不断变化安全码的信用卡

    16-10-16 A credit card with a constantly changing security code is being launched in an attempt to combat fraud. 英国将推出一种具有不断变化的安全码的信用卡,以打击诈骗行为。 The three numbers on the back of the card will be replaced by a digital display rand...