• 巧克力能成为健康食品吗?

    22-10-18 研究表明,吃适量的黑巧克力可能对你有好处。黑巧克力富含镁和铁等矿物质,同时具有高水平的抗氧化剂。但巧克力对你的健康越好,它的味道就越苦。 When you think of foods that are good for you, chocolate may not be high up on your list. But, there has been a...

  • 关于巧克力,你了解多少呢?

    22-07-15 1. 7月7日是世界巧克力日 July 7 is World Chocolate Day, a nod to when chocolate was said to have been first brought to Europe on July 7, 1550. 7月7日是世界巧克力日,据说这个节日是为了纪念1550年7月7日巧克力第一次被带到欧洲。 2. 白巧克力不是巧克力 Beca...

  • 非法可可种植园威胁灵长目动物生存

    15-03-31 Researchers surveying for endangered primates in national parks and forest reserves of Ivory Coast found, to their surprise, that most of these protected areas had been turned into illegal cocoa farms, a new study reports. The researchers surveyed 2...

  • 象牙海岸将控制可可豆销售

    11-03-08 Ivory Coast's disputed President Laurent Gbagbo has ordered the government to take control of all cocoa purchases and exports. 象牙海岸有争议的总统洛朗巴博下令对所有可可豆的收购与出口实行严格控制。 Ivory Coast is the worlds biggest cocoa producer A...

  • 象牙海岸拟禁止可可豆出口

    11-01-25 The internationally recognised president of Ivory Coast, Alassane Ouattara, has called for a month-long ban on cocoa exports. 象牙海岸国际认可的总统阿拉萨纳瓦塔拉要求对可可豆实行一个月的出口禁令。 Ivory Coast\s farmers provide a third of the world's...
