• 为什么英语中把懦弱胆小的人称作chicken

    22-08-08 为什么英语中把懦弱胆小的人称作chicken?鸡是怎么和胆小联系到一起的?你也许不知道,这事和大名鼎鼎的莎翁也有关系。 Anyone who refuses a double-dog dare is liable to be labeled a chicken. How dogs found their way into dare culture remains a bit of a mys...

  • cock up 犯了很严重的错误

    22-06-21 Cock up This can be used as a verb or a noun and it means to make a serious mistake or a mistake. (It has nothing to do with male parts!) 这个短语既可用作动词也可用作名词,它的意思是犯了很严重的错误(动词)或错误(名词)。(这个表达跟男性器官毫无关...

  • 英国人最爱的俚语 2

    22-04-11 6. Cock Up 把.弄得一团糟 A cock up is a mistake, a failure of large or epic proportions. Cock Up意为大范围的错误或者失败。 For example, I cocked up the orders for table number four. 例如,我把四号订单弄得一团糟。 7. Blinding 盲目的 Blinding a slang...

  • The mistress and her servants 女主人和仆人

    15-04-07 A widow, thrifty and industrious, had two servants, whom she kept pretty hard at work. They were not allowed to lie long abed in the mornings, but the old lady had them up and doing as soon as the cock crew. They disliked intensely having to get up...

  • The Cock and the Pearl 公鸡和珍珠

    15-04-07 A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw. Ho! ho! quoth he, that's for me, and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. What did it turn out to be but a pearl that...