• 荷兰新政府成员宣誓就职

    12-11-06 The Netherlands has sworn in a new coalition government led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte. 荷兰首相马克吕特领导的新联合政府成员已宣誓就职。 Mr Rutte's liberal VVD party and the centre-left Labour party secured the coalition deal after coming out on t...

  • 美国敦促黎巴嫩稳定局势

    12-10-24 The US has said it is backing Lebanese efforts to form a new coalition amid rising tension. 美国政府称,支持黎巴嫩在不断升级的紧张局势下组建一个新联盟。 US state department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland warned a power vacuum would pose a great risk to...
