21-12-06 THUNDERSNOW 雷雪 The conditions required to create thundersnow are most common around lakes (it occasionally accompanies lake-effect snow) and coastal areas. In these places, the sun is able to heat the ground and cause relatively warm and humid col...

  • head in the clouds 心不在焉,胡思乱想

    21-04-11 表达 head in the clouds 可以用来描述某人 心不在焉,注意力不集中。在谈论某人白日做梦、空想时,也可以使用这个表达。Head in the clouds 的另一个用法是形容某人的 想法不切实际,异想天开,可能暗指这个人 脱离现实。 例句 The receptionist didnt seem to be lis...

  • 热带地区的薄云层能使气候凉爽

    16-08-18 Thin clouds at about 5 km altitude are more ubiquitous in the tropics than previously thought and they have a substantial cooling effect on climate. This is shown in a recent study by researchers from Stockholm University and the University of Miami...

  • 飞机尾气可以使云朵更白

    16-06-23 Clouds may have a net warming or cooling effect on climate, depending on their thickness and altitude. Artificially formed clouds called contrails form due to aircraft effluent. In a cloudless sky, contrails are thought to have minimal effect on cli...