• 跟睡觉有关的表达

    15-03-04 unprotected sleep 回笼觉 wake up naturally without alarm clock 自然醒 have a cat nap 打个小盹 doze off 打瞌睡 have a siesta 午睡 do not sleep a wink 一夜没合眼 hit the sack 倒头就睡 light sleeper 睡觉轻的人 sleep around the clock 睡了一整天 caught n...

  • To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 Chapter 11

    14-11-13 When we were small, Jem and I confined our activities to the southern neighborhood,but when I was well into the second grade at school and tormenting Boo Radley becamepasse, the business section of Maycomb drew us frequently up the street past the r...

  • 果蝇生物钟基因发生变异

    14-01-27 The circadian clock is a molecular network that generates daily rhythms, and is present in both plants and animals. A University of Leicester research team led by Dr Eran Tauber has studied genetic variation in circadian clock genes in wild populati...

  • I'm Cheering the clock on

    13-11-13 There was a football game on TV last Saturday evening. The game was between a Spanish team and an Italian team. I sat in front of the TV at 7 o'clock, when the game just began. An hour later, my wife came to join me. She seemed to be absent-minded w...

  • 生物钟控制人体内能量的消耗

    13-09-21 Each of our cells has an energy furnace(火炉,熔炉) , and it is called a mitochondrion(线粒体) . A Northwestern University-led research team now has identified a new mode of timekeeping that involves priming the cell's furnace to properly use st...

  • 生物周期节律与衰老

    13-06-21 Human sleeping and waking patterns are largely governed by an internal circadian clock that corresponds closely with the 24-hour cycle of light and darkness. This circadian clock also controls other body functions, such as metabolism and temperature...

  • 雄鸡报晓由生物钟驱使

    13-03-19 Of course, roosters crow(啼叫,报晓) with the dawn. But are they simply reacting to the environment, or do they really know what time of day it is? Researchers reporting on March 18 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, have evidence that...

  • When the Clock Got Sick

    13-03-06 Once upon a time, in a land not too far from where you live, there was a bank whose outside clock was the talk of the town(热门话题) . Clocks usually don't cause people to talk about them, unless they're not working right. This clock wasn't workin...

  • 物理学家发现新报时方式

    13-01-14 Ever since he was a kid growing up in Germany, Holger Mller has been asking himself a fundamental question: What is time? That question has now led Mller, today an assistant professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, to a fundam...

  • Thatcher gene 撒切尔基因

    12-11-27 Researchers recently discovered a gene that regulates the duration of sleep an individual needs. The new findings may explain why some people appear to have an internal alarm clock, and can wake up on their own. It may also explain why some people a...