• 发热患者要全部进行核酸检测和血常规检查

    20-12-11 In a bid to strengthen COVID-19 prevention and control measures, Chinas National Health Commission (NHC) has urged efforts to set up fever clinics in eligible township and community medical institutions. 为加强新冠肺炎防控措施,国家卫健委要求在有条...

  • 荷兰男子多处捐精是102名儿童的生物学父亲

    17-08-31 A sperm donor in the Netherlands is the center of a fertility scandal after an investigation showed that he had fathered 102 children by donating at 11 different clinics. 荷兰一位捐精者成为一起生育丑闻的主角,经调查,他在11家不同的诊所捐献了精子,繁...

  • mobile clinics 流动医院

    12-12-12 A hundred mobile clinics donated by the China Health Medical Development Foundation (CHMDF) have to date benefited over 30 million villagers and herdsman in remote areas of China, according to an announcement by the charity. 由中国医药卫生事业发展基...
