• 二次元经典语录

    20-11-29 Happiness is like glass. It may be all around you, yet be invisible. But if you change your angle of viewing a little, then it will reflect light more beautifully than any other object around you. -- Lelouch Lamperouge, Code Geass 幸福像玻璃一样,平...

  • 珠峰登山许可证门槛提高

    19-08-16 All climbers seeking a permit for Qomolangma must have prior high altitude mountaineering experience and demonstrable training, a high-level commission for the Nepalese government has ruled. 尼泊尔政府管辖的高级委员会规定,凡是想获准攀登珠穆朗玛峰的...

  • 牛市常用词

    15-05-12 surge 大涨 gain 上涨 soar 飞涨 climb 攀升 rally 回升 buoy 提振 bullish 看涨的;上扬的 fund inflow 资金流入 capital inflow 资金流入 outperform 跑赢(大盘) hover 徘徊 returns 收益,回报 pick up 回升 edge up 微升...

  • 响尾蛇如何能快速攀爬沙丘

    14-10-13 The amazing ability of sidewinder snakes to quickly climb sandy slopes was once something biologists only vaguely understood and roboticists only dreamed of replicating. By studying the snakes in a unique bed of inclined sand and using a snake-like...

  • 爬墙机器人研制成功

    10-08-06 Wielding(使用,挥舞) two claws, a motor and a tail that swings like a grandfather clock's pendulum(钟摆) , a small robot named ROCR (rocker) scrambles up(迅速爬上,拼凑) a carpeted, 8-foot wall in just over 15 seconds the first such robot desi...
