• 恋爱相关的流行词汇

    22-06-07 1. dry spell: 空窗期 spell这里是一段时间的意思。 After their breackup in August, she had a 4-month dry spell from guys. 自八月与男友分手后,她已经连续四个月空窗了。 2. beta orbiter: 甘当备用男友的人,伺机男 这是一个形容男性的词,指那些主动围在女性身...

  • click farm 点击农场

    22-03-29 小伙伴们平时上微信、微博时都会看到很多点赞量特高的帖子,对于这种帖子我们一般都比较关注,但是点击农场(click farm)的存在却让点赞量掺杂了不少水分,不造大家有没有注意到这个问题? Celebrities, businesses and even the U.S. State Department have bought b...

  • tap、click、press、touch

    21-09-17 这四个词都和手部的动作有关。比如:表示 轻击、轻触屏幕 时,我们通常会说 tap the screen 或者 touch the screen;表示 点击鼠标 时,会说 click the mouse;表示 按压机器或电子设备上的按钮 时,往往会说 press the button。 先具体地看一看动词 tap。Tap 泛指 轻...

  • Tap、click、press、touch区别是什么

    21-07-08 tap、click、press 和 touch 的意思有什么不同,在用法上有什么分别。平时,大家在使用电脑、平板电脑或者各类带有触屏的电子设备的时候,可能遇到过这类的单词,估计这位网友是想了解这四个词所描述的分别是哪种操作电子设备的动作。那么,下面,我们就来集中介绍 tap...

  • helicopter hailing through a click 一键叫飞机

    15-05-26 People who want to have the experience of helicopter hailing through a click can try the service offered by a ride-hailing app operated by taxi-hailing company Didi Kuaidi. Though operating only two routes, the APEC air travel and Beijing-Tianjin ro...

  • click farm 刷信誉团体

    14-07-10 Click farm is an organized group of low-paid workers employed to click on particular parts of web pages, especially approval buttons in social media as a way of making businesses seem popular. Click farm指有组织地雇佣一批低报酬工人专门点击网页上的某...
