• take on an entirely new look 焕然一新

    21-01-02 焕然一新,汉语成语,意思是改变陈旧的面貌,呈现出崭新的样子。通常形容出现了崭新的面貌。可以翻译为take on an entirely new look,acquire a completely new look。 例句: 经过翻修,我们的教学楼面貌焕然一新。 After renovation, our classroom building has ta...

  • 智能手机 vs 传统课堂

    20-10-25 We know its good to learn another language. It opens doors, makes you more employable, helps you make new friends, and its fun too. But to improve our linguistic skills, many of us have to endure hours of school lessons or evening classes, with our...

  • 美国老师为学生布置哈利·波特魔法主题教室

    15-08-31 It's back-to-school time for kids across the country, but for the lucky sixth- to eighth-grade students in Stephanie Stephens' classroom at James L. Capps Middle School in Oklahoma City, they're already off to a wizardry first few days of learning....

  • 培养社交情感技能的教室能同时提高学生成绩

    14-03-11 Classroom programs designed to improve elementary school students' social and emotional skills can also increase reading and math achievement, even if academic improvement is not a direct goal of the skills building, according to a study to be publi...

  • flipped classroom 翻转课堂

    14-01-22 Flipped classroom (or flip teaching) is a form of blended learning in which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class with teacher offering mo...

  • 无声的表达

    12-11-29 The situation seemed hopeless. From the first day he entered my junior-high classroom, Willard P. Frank- lin existed in his own world, shutting out his classmates and me, his teacher. My attempts at establishing a friendly relationship with him were...

  • I can go home 我可以回家了

    11-07-14 One day after school the teacher said to his students, Tomorrow morning, if any one of you can answer my first question, I will permit him or her to go home earlier. The next day, when the teacher came into the classroom, he found the blackboard dau...
