• 中国羽毛球混双提前锁定金银牌

    21-07-30 7月29日,中国羽毛球混双两对选手在半决赛中均战胜对手,提前锁定该项目的金银牌。 China has ensured a one-two finish in badminton mixed doubles after two Chinese pairs beat their respective opponents in the semifinals on Thursday. Ensure a one-two finis...

  • 墨西哥军方击毙27名贩毒歹徒

    10-09-03 The Mexican army says it has killed 27 suspected drug cartel gunmen in a clash near the US border. 墨西哥军方称,在美国边界发生的一场冲突中,27位贩毒嫌疑歹徒被击毙。 A patrol came under fire as it approached an apparent training camp spotted during...

  • 墨西哥某监狱发生帮派冲突 28人死亡

    10-06-15 A clash between rival gangs in a prison in Mexico's north-western state of Sinaloa has left some 28 inmates dead. 墨西哥西北部锡那罗亚州某监狱几个不和帮派之间发生冲突,至少28名囚犯死亡。 Sinaloa's governor had warned of overcrowding at the Mazatlan...

  • 南北朝鲜军舰发生冲突事件

    09-11-10 There has been a clash between ships from the rival navies of North and South Korea, military officials in Seoul say. 首尔军事官员称,朝鲜、韩国双方海军军舰发生一起冲突事件。 A South Korean warship fired a shot at a North Korean vessel which crossed...

  • Chinese migrants in Algiers clash 中国移民与阿尔及尔居民发生

    09-08-05 About 100 local residents and Chinese migrant workers have clashed in the Algerian capital, some brandishing knives and rods, reports say. 报道称,阿尔及利亚首都大约100名当地居民和中国移民工人发生冲突,有些人手持刀具或棍棒。 Many migrant workers com...
