• 中央宣传部印发《关于开展文娱领域综合治理工作的通知》

    21-09-07 According to the circular issued by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Chinas rapidly-growing culture and entertainment industry is still troubled with various negative phenomena such as excessively high paym...

  • to file away 存档

    21-08-04 动词短语 to file away 的意思是把同类文件存档。 例句 All my letters are filed away in a big cabinet in my office. On Friday mornings I pay the bills and invoices from the past week, then I file them away. 请注意 还有一个有趣的俚语表达就是 the circula...

  • 广电总局发布《关于加强网络秀场直播和电商直播管理的通知》

    20-11-29 Livestreaming shows and hosts should be clearly classified, based on their content, as music, dance, singing, fitness or games, among other categories, according to the circular. 通知明确,网络秀场直播平台要对节目内容和对应主播实行标签分类管理,按音...
