• 科学家发现调解口渴的大脑回路

    15-01-28 Howard Hughes Medical Institute scientists have identified a circuit in the brains of mice that regulates thirst. When a subset of cells in the circuit is switched on, mice immediately begin drinking water, even if they are fully hydrated. A second...

  • 研究人员开发出世界上最小的低通滤波器

    10-10-21 A research team from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has successfully designed the world's smallest on-chip(芯片上的) low-pass filter which is 1,000 times smaller than existing off-chip filters. A low-pass filter is a circuit that allows lo...

  • 三极晶体管有望研制成功

    10-10-14 Rice University research that capitalizes on(利用) the wide-ranging capabilities of graphene(石墨烯) could lead to circuit applications that are far more compact and versatile(通用的,万能的) than what is now feasible with silicon-based techno...
