• 五月新上映的电影

    21-04-30 Cruella 《黑白魔女库伊拉》 Who was Cruella de Vil before she became the puppy-cidal maniac we met in 101 Dalmatians? Its not a question many of us have asked, but Cruella is a weirdly enticing prospect. Emma Stone puts on her haughtiest English acce...

  • 《哪吒之魔童降世》将在北美上映

    19-08-19 Ne Zha, Chinas top-earning animated movie, is set to hit the big screen in North America in the near future. 《哪吒之魔童降世》,中国最卖座的动画电影,将在不久的将来登上北美大银幕。 U.S. entertaining company WellGo has confirmed on Thursday its plan...

  • 美国影院《神奇女侠》放映会 只限女性参加的

    17-05-28 With Wonder Woman fast approaching cinemas -- and with good first reactions to boot -- many fans are growing increasingly excited for the DC film. 《神奇女侠》很快将在各影院上线,再加上首波放映反响不俗,许多粉丝对DC漫画公司的这部电影越来越期待。 The...
