• 常做家务的人老年以后认知功能和记忆力更强

    21-11-25 干家务很累人,但是研究发现,干家务并不是全无好处。新加坡的一个研究团队指出,常做家务的人,到了老年以后认知功能和记忆力更强,跌倒风险也更低。 Household chores might seem a drag, but researchers have suggested tasks like dusting, scrubbing floors and...

  • 离婚获5万元家务补偿案件引热议

    21-03-03 近日,北京市房山区人民法院适用民法典规定,首次审结了一起离婚家务补偿案件。 The ruling, made by Beijing Fangshan District Peoples Court, ordered a man, surnamed Chen, to pay 50,000 yuan ($7,700) to his ex-wife surnamed Wang as compensation for her ho...

  • 越来越多的女性使用约会软件找男人做家务

    16-07-25 Women using the Tinder dating app are getting what they want from men - and its not necessarily fancy dinners or one-night stands. 使用约会软件Tinder的女性们现在从男性那儿得到她们想要的东西,而这并不一定是丰盛的晚餐或一夜情。 Rather than seeking the...

  • 不是所有家务都能健身

    14-11-21 迈克尔莫斯利说过,不是所有人都有机会去健身房,但就算做家务也能健身。这是真的吗? Not everyone can get to the gym - but is it really possible to get fit by just doing one's chores, asks Michael Mosley. You might want to read this article while standi...

  • 男性分担家务 婚姻会更幸福

    13-04-09 Although no exact formula for marital(婚姻的) bliss exists, a University of Missouri researcher has found that husbands and wives are happier when they share household and child-rearing responsibilities. However, sharing responsibilities doesn't n...
