• 英国部分小学推行12*12口算乘法表

    18-03-04 A multiplication test in some of Englands primary schools is sparking debate in both the UK and China - where the test originates. 英国部分小学推行的乘法表测试在中英两国引发热议,乘法表源自中国。 The new multiplication test, or times table check, wi...

  • Baby Mama Drama

    15-08-17 I'm so glad that this is my last child support payment. Month after month, year after year, those payments! So I called my baby girl, Kareesha, to come over to my house, and when she got there, I said to her, Baby girl, I want you to take this last...

  • 法律英语:Instrument 票据

    14-10-31 An instrument is a document of title to money. 票据是代表金钱支付权利的文据。 Every instrument constitutes an independent contract embodying a payment obligation. 每张票据都构成一份独立的体现支付义务的合同。 The bill of exchange was in its inception...

  • table banking 饭桌金融

    14-05-21 While splitting a check when out with a group, paying the whole tab with your credit card and taking everyone else's cash instead of going to the ATM. This is called table banking . 在和一群人出去时分摊账单时,用自己的信用卡付了所有费用,然后其他人...

  • 《朱莉与朱莉娅》精彩语句

    14-04-30 It's just I've never flunked a test in my entire life. 只是我这辈子从来没有考试不及格过。 What if I don't make my deadline, Eric? 埃里克,要是我在截止日期前完不成怎么办? You don't have to bite my head off. I'm just quoting Julia. 你不需要冲我发火,...

  • A Promise 承诺

    14-04-15 The landlady said to the hard-up author: When will you pay arrears(拖欠,滞付) of room rent? The author replied: I will pay you as soon as I receive the check that the publisher will send me if he accepts the novel that I am about to start writing...

  • 《源代码》六

    12-08-24 影片对白 Christina: I have to tell you something. Captain Stevens: I know, I found him. Christina: Your friend... Captain Stevens: I got him. At Air Force Base. In Las Vegas. Christina: No, he's not. He's dead, Shawn. Captain Stevens: What? Christin...

  • security level 安检级别

    12-05-14 Fights broke out among angry passengers at Beijing Capital International Airport on Sunday morning, after the security level for domestic flights was raised from level three to level two. 周日上午,北京首都国际机场国内航班的安检级别从三级升至二级,...

  • FOMO addiction 社交控

    12-03-30 We're now all in the grip of FOMO addiction the fear of missing out on something or someone more interesting, exciting or better than what we're currently doing. 我们现在都是社交控(FOMO:fear of missing out),在忙于眼前事的时候,总是害怕会错过更有...

  • 地铁“安检” security check

    09-09-12 作为奥运会结束后北京地铁保留的一项措施,地铁安检已经被越来越多的乘客所接受。截至今年三月,北京地铁累计检查出各类易燃易爆违禁品3.7万余件。为确保国庆期间的安全状况,北京地铁系统业已恢复到奥运会期间逢包必检的水平。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Subway secur...