• 英国的慈善义卖商店

    21-02-08 处理多余的旧物是很多人日常生活中的一大难题。有些东西虽然不再需要,但扔掉又可惜。在英国,人们经常会把多余的衣服、书籍等物品捐给慈善义卖商店,这些商店随后会以折扣价把它们转卖出去,从而帮助那些真正有需要的贫困者。 What do you do with old stuff? That to...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 6

    20-12-20 Please could I say one word? was the question three times repeated before a rough head bobbed out from the grotto of books in which Mac usually sat when he studied. Did anyone speak? he asked, blinking in the flood of sunshine that entered with Rose...

  • 周润发将捐赠个人全部财产

    18-10-22 Chow Yun-Fat, famous Hong Kong movie actor, will donate fortune to charity. 香港著名影星周润发将把个人财产捐赠给慈善机构。 Winning the best actor in Hong Kong Film Award for three times and twice in Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards, Chow...

  • 中国选定13个慈善宣传募捐网站

    16-08-22 China has selected 13 websites to promote and fundraise for charity organizations, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said Monday. 中国民政部周一表示,国家已选取13个网站为慈善组织宣传与募捐。 The websites, including www.gongyi.net under the Tencent Found...

  • 马化腾捐赠20亿美元股份用于慈善事业

    16-04-22 Tencent has announced its founder Pony Ma is going to donate 2 billion US dollars worth of the companys shares to charity. 腾讯创始人马化腾将捐赠价值20亿美元公司股份用于慈善事业。 The money will be given to a new foundation in China which deals with...

  • 中国即将出台首部慈善法律

    16-03-13 A draft of China's first bill regulating charities was submitted to the national legislature on Wednesday, with lawmakers hoping it can give donors confidence to help the country meet its poverty alleviation targets. 周三,中国首部规范慈善事业的法律...

  • 2015中国慈善名人榜

    16-02-12 Last Friday, China Philanthropist magazine issued a ranking list, in which Chinese celebrities, including film stars, artists, athletes, TV anchors and writers were evaluated for the charity work they have done in the past year. Their work was asses...

  • 巴菲特拍卖午餐 筹集慈善资金

    10-05-22 Warren Buffett is again auctioning a steak lunch to benefit a San Francisco charity, after last year's bidding failed to generate a record bid for the first time since 2004. 股神沃伦巴菲特将再次拍卖慈善牛排午餐,为旧金山一家慈善机构筹集资金。去年,...

  • 章子怡首次正式回应“捐款门”质疑

    10-03-19 自去年12月份的泼墨门事件以来,章子怡一直被各种责难缠身。经过两个多月的沉默,章子怡于 3月12日凌晨接受《中国日报》独家专访,详细回答捐款风波中网友提出的各种质疑。 Celebrity actress Zhang Ziyi admits she lacked experience in handling charity donations...

  • Dylan to release Christmas album Dylan将发行圣诞歌曲专辑

    09-08-28 Folk legend Bob Dylan will release his first album of Christmas songs - with royalties going to charity, his record label has confirmed. 民间传奇人物Bob Dylan的唱片公司证实道,Bob Dylan将会发行自己首张圣诞歌曲专辑,版税将捐献给慈善机构。 Christmas i...