• 马云明年卸任阿里巴巴董事局主席

    18-09-10 Alibaba co-founder and chairman Jack Ma on Monday announced in an open letter that he would step down in a year, with the company CEO Daniel Zhang taking over as the chairman of the board. 阿里巴巴联合创始人、董事长马云周一在一封公开信中宣布,明年他...

  • 孙宏斌担任乐视新董事长

    17-07-24 Sun Hongbin, chairman of Chinese property developer Sunac China Holdings, was voted in as the chairman of Leshi Internet Information and Technology Corp on Friday. 融创中国董事会主席孙宏斌周五被选举成为乐视网信息技术股份有限公司董事长。 Sunac, along...

  • 蔡振华连任亚洲乒乓球联盟主席

    17-04-11 Chinese Table Tennis Association chairman Cai Zhenhua was unanimously re-elected as president of the Asian Table Tennis Union (ATTU) in an ATTU General Meeting here on Monday. 本周一,亚洲乒乓球联盟全体大会上,中国乒乓球协会主席蔡振华一致连任亚乒联...

  • 各种“长”英文怎么说

    15-06-18 [Chief] 国家部委的司长、局长、省属厅局的厅长、局长(chief of the…Department/Bureau);国务院直属局的局长(chief of the…Administration);处长(division chief);科长(section chief);图书馆馆长(chief librarian)等。 [President] 国家主席(preside...

  • 苹果任命亚瑟·莱文森为董事会主席

    11-11-16 The world's most valuable technology company, Apple, has named long-serving director Arthur Levinson as chairman of the board. 世界上最具价值的科技公司苹果公司提名任职多年的主管亚瑟莱文森为董事会主席。 Mr Levinson has been on the Apple board since 2...
