• bronze ceiling 青铜天花板

    22-09-29 英国工党领袖杰里米科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)在上周将一封签名的信件发到英国《卫报》。信中呼吁打破bronze ceiling 青铜天花板,并庆祝玛莉渥斯顿克雷福特(Mary Wollstonecraft)非凡的一生和遗产。 共同签署该信的还有其他40位英国政界和文化界知名人士,信中的一个...

  • hit the ceiling/roof 极度生气、情绪失控

    21-11-17 ceiling有天花板、顶棚的意思,roof也有屋顶、房顶之意。咦?怎么就会打到房顶?原来是被气到了!暴跳如雷,一气之下火气直冲天花板而去! hit the ceiling/roof便是指一个人极度生气、情绪失控。 Dad will hit the ceiling when he finds out Ive left school. 如果我...

  • price floor 地板价

    16-03-29 China has launched a new pricing system for fuel which sets up a price floor and ceiling. Under the system, the price floor is at 40 U.S. dollars a barrel and the price ceiling at 130 dollars. 中国公布了新的油价机制,设定了40美元/桶的地板价和130美元...

  • rainbow ceiling 彩虹屋顶

    14-12-23 Rainbow ceiling , or pink ceiling, refers to business practices and prejudices that create an unseen and unofficial barrier to personal advancement for gay employees. 彩虹屋顶或粉色屋顶指同性恋员工在职场个人晋升过程中遇到的由职场惯例或歧视导致的无形...

  • brass ceiling 黄铜天花板

    13-09-02 Brass ceiling is an imaginary barrier which stops women from progressing in their careers within the military and law enforcement. Brass ceiling(黄铜天花板)指存在于军队和执法部门中、阻止女性进一步升迁的一个无形障碍。 The term is a play on glass ce...

  • grass ceiling 草坪天花板

    12-12-28 Grass ceiling refers to a set of social, cultural, and discriminatory barriers that prevent or discourage women from using golf to conduct business. Grass ceiling(草坪天花板)指阻止女性通过高尔夫运动来做生意的一系列社会及文化歧视性障碍。 Most priva...

  • 透过婴儿的眼睛

    12-08-21 I opened my eyes. I was looking up at the ceiling. Why I was looking there, I don't know, but I kept looking anyway, and laughing. I kicked my legs and shuck my arms, but it brought me no closer to what I was looking at. I called out Ga, ga, gaagh,...

  • Silver ceiling “银色屋顶”

    11-09-21 Silver ceiling is a set of attitudes and prejudices that prevent older employees from rising to positions of power or responsibility in a workplace. 银色屋顶(silver ceiling)指工作单位中存在的阻止上年纪的员工升职或者承担更多工作责任的那种歧视的态度...
