• The Lion and The Ass

    13-09-22 A lion and an ass set up as partners and went a-hunting together. In course of time they came to a cave in which there were a number of wild goats. The lion took up his stand at the mouth of the cave, and waited for them to come out; while the ass w...

  • 玛雅人可能将敌人肢解乱葬

    13-09-11 Researchers of the Department of Anthropology of the Americas at the University of Bonn have discovered a mass grave in an artificial cave in the historical Maya city of Uxul (Mexico). Marks on the bones indicate that the individuals buried in the c...

  • 克罗地亚最深的洞穴中发现一种透明蜗牛

    13-09-11 Scientists discovered a new species of a peculiar(独特的) cave-dwelling snail in one of the 20 deepest cave systems in the world, Lukina Jama-Trojama in Croatia. The newly discovered species belongs to a genus of minute air-breathing land snails t...

  • Rabbits Who Caused All the Trouble

    13-05-29 Within the memory of the youngest child there was a family of rabbits who lived near a pack of wolves. The wolves announced that they did not like the way the rabbits were living. (The wolves were crazy about the way they themselves were living, bec...

  • 墨西哥发现大量古代壁画

    13-05-23 Archaeologists in Mexico have found 4,926 well-preserved cave paintings in the north-eastern region of Burgos. 墨西哥考古学家在东部地区发现了4926副保存完好的洞穴壁画。 Archaeologists found more than 1,500 paintings in one cave of the Burgos region T...

  • 贝卢斯科尼度假别墅暗藏地下洞穴

    12-09-17 Silvio Berlusconi's summer retreat on Sardinia's exclusive Costa Smeralda, which gained notoriety for parties with topless models, features an underground cave, complete with an emergency escape exit to the sea. 意大利一名摄影师近日曝光了前总理西尔...

  • Hunting Skills 打猎的技巧

    11-10-20 Two Russian hunters meet. I shot a gigantic bear yesterday, says Ivan. Look at the hide! How do you find such huge bears? Sergei asks. Easy, says Ivan. You stand in front of a cave and whistle. When the bear comes out, you shoot. Weeks later the two...

  • 古化石洞穴显示有袋类动物的生活方式

    10-07-16 The discovery of a remarkable 15-million-year-old Australian fossil limestone cave(石灰岩洞) packed with even older animal bones has revealed almost the entire life cycle of a large prehistoric(史前的,陈旧的) marsupial(有袋类动物) , from suck...

  • 英国洞穴蜘蛛被“送回家”

    09-12-07 A colony of huge cave spiders are finally heading home after 10 years. 一群巨大的洞穴蜘蛛在实验室待了10年之后最终被送回家。 Squatting in a house for a decade The spiders have been squatting in a disused废弃的 building in the Yorkshire Dales after es...

  • Cave dig unearths important finds 英国:山洞考古重大发现

    09-09-14 Teeth and bones from late Ice Age animals, including hyenas, deer and woolly rhinos, have been discovered by archaeologists at a cave in Devon. 英国德文郡的考古学家在一个山洞中发现了冰河时期的动物牙齿和骨骼,包括斑鬣狗、鹿和犀牛。 The dig is part of...