• 世界首只克隆克什米尔细毛山羊下崽两只

    18-04-03 Two kids have been born in north Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the offspring of the worlds first cloned cashmere goat, the Bayannur city government said Tuesday. 巴彦淖尔市政府周二表示,世界上第一头克隆克什米尔细毛山羊下崽两只。 The two k...

  • 羊绒服装产业危害生物多样性

    13-07-25 A new study by the Wildlife Conservation Society and Snow Leopard Trust reveals a disturbing link between the cashmere(羊绒) trade and the decay of ecosystems that support some of the planet's most spectacular yet little-known large mammals. The s...
