• 研究人员发明更好的人造软骨材料

    13-12-14 A Duke research team has developed a better recipe for synthetic replacement cartilage(软骨) in joints. Combining two innovative technologies they each helped develop, lead authors Farshid Guilak, a professor of orthopedic(整形外科的) surgery an...

  • 利用软骨培育骨骼

    12-02-15 A person has a tumor removed from her femur(大腿骨) . A soldier is struck by an improved explosive device and loses a portion of his tibia(胫骨) . A child undergoes chemotherapy for osteosarcoma(骨肉瘤) but part of the bone dies as a result. E...

  • 微生物检测新方法将问世

    10-03-21 We are surrounded by microorganisms. They inhabit our skin, the air we breathe, the surfaces we touch. In most cases this is not a problem, but there are situations in which these constant companions can be dangerous or even life-threatening. They a...

  • 中年人不宜过量运动

    09-11-30 Middle-aged men and women may be risking arthritis if they overdo their exercise regime, research suggests. 研究显示,中年男女超出合适的运动体制可能有患关节炎的风险。 Can exercise be too much of a good thing? A US study of more than 200 people aged...
