• 维生素D合成衍生物有望治疗胰腺癌

    14-09-28 A synthetic derivative of vitamin D was found by Salk Institute researchers to collapse the barrier of cells shielding pancreatic tumors, making this seemingly impenetrable cancer much more susceptible to therapeutic drugs. The discovery has led to...

  • 降低卵巢癌的化疗抗性

    14-09-26 Ovarian cancer is the most deadly gynecological cancer, claiming the lives of more than 50% of women who are diagnosed with the disease. A study involving Ottawa and Taiwan researchers, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of...

  • “安吉丽娜效应”影响迅速且持续时间长

    14-09-20 Referrals for genetic counselling and testing for breast cancer risk more than doubled across the UK after actress Angelina Jolie announced in May last year that she tested positive for a BRCA1 gene mutation and underwent a double mastectomy. The ri...

  • 大豆补充剂改变乳腺癌相关基因的表达方式

    14-09-06 Soy supplementation alters expression of genes associated with breast cancer, raising concerns that soy could have adverse effects in breast cancer, according to a new study published September 4 in the JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute...

  • 男性多吃西红柿能降低前列腺癌发病率

    14-08-28 Men who eat over 10 portions a week of tomatoes have an 18 per cent lower risk of developing prostate cancer, new research suggests. With 35,000 new cases every year in the UK, and around 10,000 deaths, prostate cancer is the second most common canc...

  • 超重或肥胖使人患癌症几率增大

    14-08-14 Being overweight and obese puts people at greater risk of developing 10 of the most common cancers, according to research in the Lancet medical journal. 医学期刊《柳叶刀》上的一项调查显示,超重与肥胖会使人患10中常见癌症飞几率大大增加。 Scientists ca...

  • 阿司匹林能降低胃癌肠癌死亡率

    14-08-06 Taking aspirin every day can reduce the chance of developing or dying from bowel and stomach cancers, a review of all available evidence suggests. 已有的所有证据都表明,每天服用阿司匹林可以降低肠癌和胃癌感染率或死亡率。 And scientists predict if eve...

  • 2036年丙肝将成为罕见病

    14-08-06 Effective new drugs and screening would make hepatitis C(丙型肝炎) a rare disease by 2036, according to a computer simulation conducted by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public...

  • 英国女星凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯坦言曾患抑郁症

    14-08-01 英国著名女星凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯坦言在照料丈夫迈克尔道格拉斯与癌症斗争期间,精神压力过大,最终患上狂躁型抑郁症。 Catherine Zeta Jones has spoken in moving terms about the emotional ordeal(折磨) she suffered watching her husband and fellow actor Michael...

  • 摩根大通老板杰米·戴蒙患咽喉癌

    14-07-02 JPMorgan Chase chairman and chief executive Jamie Dimon says he will continue to run the bank despite being diagnosed with throat cancer. 摩根大通集团董事长、首席执行官杰米戴蒙称,尽管被诊断出患上咽喉癌,他仍将继续掌管公司。 Jamie Dimon will undergo...