• 露营度假乐趣多

    22-03-04 你喜欢哪种度假方式?你是越来越多的露营爱好者中的一员吗?从 wild camping(野外露营) 到 glamping(豪华露营),有多种方式可以让你体会回归自然的乐趣。 When you go on holiday, where do you like to stay? Do you like the luxury of a five-star hotel, the c...

  • 雅思口语Part3话题:野营 Camping

    20-03-16 和野营相关的话题 1. Have you ever been camping before? Yes, just once, but really memorable. I went to the Lingshan Mountain with my friends and my son early this year. We slept in the forest in the camps at night. It was totally dark outside, but we...

  • glamping 豪华露营

    11-05-24 The word glamping is a blend of camping with the adjective glamorous, i.e. the notion of glamorous camping. The word first appeared about five years ago, and the concept is thought primarily to be a British invention. Glamping是由camping(露营)和形...
