• try doing与try to do

    21-05-19 动词 try 的意思是 尝试,试图,它可以分别与 doing 和 to do 搭配,组成 try doing something 和 try to do something,这两个说法的意思不同。其中哪一个暗示了 尝试的结果并不成功? 用法总结 1Try + doing 用来表达 尝试以前没做过的事。 I tried baking a cake. ....

  • 如何使用“疑问词 + ever”

    21-02-08 英语中表示人、事物、地点、时间的疑问词可以和单词 ever 搭配,组成新词,引导让步状语从句。比如,what + ever 组成 whatever(不管怎样,无论什么);where + ever 组成 wherever(无论在哪里,无论什么地方)。 用法总结 1 Whoever 指 那个人,无论什么人。 Whoeve...

  • 关于“吃”的习语

    20-10-19 1 SPICE THINGS UP 增添情趣 Youve probably guessed by now that to spice things up means to make them more interesting or exciting. 你可能已经猜到spice things up意为使事情变得更加有趣。 例句: Instead of just buying Sam a birthday gift, lets spice thi...

  • 法国为大熊猫圆梦庆祝第一个生日

    18-08-06 Yuan Meng, Frances first ever giant panda cub, celebrated on Saturday its first anniversary at Beauval zoo in central France. 法国首只大熊猫宝宝圆梦周六在博瓦尔动物园庆祝第一个生日。 Cake, posters, mascots and even books and CDs on the one-year-old...

  • 南极洲发现一块有百年历史的水果蛋糕

    17-08-20 A 100-year-old fruitcake believed to be from the Scott expedition has been found in a nearly edible state in the Antarctic. 南极洲上发现了一块几乎还能食用的100年以前的水果蛋糕,据信这是斯科特探险队留下的。 The cake, wrapped in paper and stored insid...

  • 应对网络喷子 让他们吃蛋糕

    17-05-23 Kat Thek, founder of Troll Cakes, is turning unsavory online comments into cake decor. 喷子蛋糕的创始人,卡特泰克把网络上的负面评论做成了蛋糕上的装饰。 Online harassment is pervasive: Nearly half of internet users have experienced harassment or abus...

  • cake culture 蛋糕文化

    17-04-20 Office cake culture in which staff bring in treats for birthdays and celebrations is becoming a daily health hazard and should be stopped, experts have advised. 员工在生日或者庆祝日给大家带零食,这被称为办公室的蛋糕文化。然而专家建议,这种办公室文化...

  • A second piece of cake

    15-10-21 Little Tommy had been to a birthday party at a friend's house. Knowing his sweet tooth, Tommy's mother looked straight into his eyes and said, I hope you didn't ask for a second piece of cake. No, but I asked Mrs. Smith for the recipe so you could m...

  • 《舌尖上的中国》S2E7中的美食

    14-06-25 煎饼果子 Pancake rolled with crisp fritter 面窝 Chinese doughnut 三鲜豆皮 Seafood tofu 热干面 Hot-and-dry noodles 艇仔粥 Tingzai porridge 肠粉 Steamed vermicelli roll 干蒸烧卖 Siu Mai (Steamed pork dumplings) 榴莲酥 Crispy durian cake 虾饺 Steamed s...

  • 切蛋糕的最佳方式

    14-06-22 伦敦一名数学家在YouTube视频中展示了最佳的切蛋糕方式。您别说,还真有那么点道理。 Forget everything you know about cake cutting; this new method could turn the seemingly straight-forward practice on its head. Although, using the word 'new' isn't accur...