• 《冰雪奇缘》第8章

    23-01-29 Elsa burst into the courtyard. She was so afraid now that her secret was out. She hoped she hadnt hurt anyone. Regardless, everyone in Arendelle would soon know about her magic. There she is! cried a townswoman, excited to get a glimpse of the newly...

  • in early puberty 含苞待放

    22-10-25 含苞待放,汉语成语,形容花朵将要开放时的形态。也比喻将成年的少女。可以翻译为in bud,ready to burst,in early puberty。 例句: 玫瑰花正含苞待放。 The roses are in bud....

  • 吃撑了

    22-08-17 1. Ive had all I can eat. 能吃的都吃了,再也吃不下了。 2. I couldnt eat another mouthful. 我吃不动了。 3. I can hardly move. 吃了太多,快挪不动了。 4. Ill burst if I eat another mouthful. 再吃就该撑到爆了。 5. Theres no room for any more. 实在没地方...

  • burst out laughing 放声大笑

    21-05-20 如果某人 burst out laughing,意思就是这个人 突然大声地笑了起来,放声大笑。 例句 When I saw the man walk into a lamppost, I burst out laughing. He didnt see what was so funny! 当我看到那个男人撞上路灯柱的时候,我放声大笑。但他却没觉得有什么好笑的! E...

  • 探索神秘宇宙无线电波的来源

    13-07-08 Mysterious bursts of radio waves originating from billions of light years away have left the scientists who detected them speculating about their origins. The international research team, writing in the journal Science, rule out terrestrial(陆地的...
