• 32个英式日常表达 4

    22-05-20 25、 Normalcy 英国人吐槽:用normalcy(正常状态)真的会激怒我,真想打说的人一个耳光哈!实在太错了这个词儿啊! 英式表达:normality 26、burglarize 英国人吐槽:作为一名生活在新奥尔良的侨民,我有很长一串清单,但是burglarize(破门盗窃)是我目前最不喜欢的词。 英...

  • Trying to do that for years 我已经努力好多年了

    09-11-07 Trying to do that for years A man went to the police office wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before. You will get your chance in court. said the Desk Sergeant. No, no, no. said the man. I want to know how he...
