• 俄地堡末日聚会 门票1000美元

    12-12-23 A Cold War-era bunker designed to save Soviet leaders from a nuclear attack will host a 24-hour party for Russians willing to pay $1,000 for a ticket to escape the apocalypse, which, according to New Age prophesies, could come on Friday. 冷战时期修...

  • Churchill bunker 'not bomb-proof' 丘吉尔的战士司令部“不是防

    09-07-20 Winston Churchill complained he had been sold a pup when he discovered his underground wartime headquarters in Whitehall were not bomb-proof. 丘吉尔抱怨道当他发现他在白厅的战时司令部不是防弹的,被放了鸽子。 A letter showing Churchill's annoyance whe...
