22-01-04 英语短语 like a red rag to a bull 用来表示挑衅和刺激,故意让某人狂怒。 例句 For my quiet grandfather his teenage neighbours rocknroll-themed party was like a red rag to a bull. Dont talk to my dad about the smoking ban. Its like a red rag to a bull....
21-08-09 英语短语 like a red rag to a bull 用来描述某人或事情的举动或言语让他人抓狂、愤怒。 例句 My neighbours loud music after midnight really is like a red rag to a bull. Dont talk to my dad about the smoking ban. Its like a red rag to a bull. 请注意 短语...
21-07-02 To take the bull by the horns 的字面意思是抓住公牛的角,这个表达源自典故传说,当遇到公牛袭击时,应该面向它跑去,再握住它的双角,与其对峙并制服它。这个表达现在被用来形容大胆地面对困难或险境,当机立断,临危不惧。 例句 Ok, everyone, lets take the bull...
14-10-08 A lion watched a fat bull feeding in a meadow, and his mouth watered when he thought of the royal feast he would make, but he did not dare to attack him, for he was afraid of his sharp horns. Hunger, however, presently compelled him to do something:...
13-05-17 A mouse once took a bite out of a bull's tail as he lay dozing. The bull jumped up in a rage and, with his head low to the ground, chased the mouse right across the yard. The mouse was too quick for him, however, and slipped easily into a hole in th...
12-06-26 A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion. So its leaders sent a message to the great hunter, Jonesie, to come and kill the beast. For several nights the hunter lay in wait for the lion, but it never appeared. Finally, he told the village ch...
11-11-29 The Tang Priest and his three disciples, Monkey(Wukong), Pig and Friar Sand, were heading towards the Western Heaven. Gradually they began to feel hotter and hotter in the warm air. It was very strange, because it was autumn. Later they learnt that...