• 世界最长玻璃桥周日将向公众开发

    17-12-22 The worlds longest glassfloor bridge will open to the public on Sunday in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province. 世界上最长的玻璃地板桥周日将向公众开发,该桥坐落于河北石家庄。 The bridge, which stretches 488 meters, is 2 meters wide and hangs 218 meters (abo...

  • 深圳与中山将建海底隧道

    17-10-19 A sea tunnel linking south Chinas Shenzhen and Zhongshan will be completed by 2024, the Guangdong provincial transportation group said Wednesday. 广东省交通局周三表示,一条连接深圳与中山的海底隧道将于2024年完工。 The construction is expected to get...

  • 世界最长山区悬索桥在丽江开工

    17-06-04 Construction of a vital suspension bridge has begun near Lijiang city, southwest Chinas Yunnan province, according to local news portal yunnan.cn. 云南新闻网站报道,世界上最长的山区悬索桥已在丽江开工。 Once completed, it will be the worlds longest m...

  • 港珠澳大桥 世界跨海大桥的新里程碑

    17-05-03 The 6,000-tonne wedge, the final piece of an undersea tunnel of the Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge (HZMB), was successfully installed on Tuesday, according to media reports. 媒体报道,港珠澳大桥海底隧道的最后一块部件,重达6000吨的接头周二被成功安装完毕...

  • 几个与桥梁相关的词组

    17-04-11 船到桥头自然直 to cross that bridge when onecomes to it 即有问题出现就去解决。 不留后路 to burn ones bridges behind one 过了桥,就烧了它(having crossed it, you couldalways burn the bridge),这个表达是指切断所有退路。类似的表达还有破釜沉舟(burn on...

  • 中俄边境将建一座跨境公路桥

    16-12-23 The government of Heilongjiang province in northeastern China has confirmed that construction on a cross-border highway bridge linking the city of Heihe and Blagoveshchensk. 中国东北黑龙江政府已证实,连接黑河与布拉戈维申斯克的一条跨境公路桥即将动工...

  • 世界最高最长玻璃桥 壮士可否一战?

    16-08-18 The worlds highest and longest glass bridge will finally open to the public on August 20th. 世界上最高、最长的玻璃桥将于8月20日对公众开放。 According to the management committee, the glass bridge over the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon in central Chinas H...

  • The Sea at Dawn 黎明时分的大海

    16-07-14 They shuddered with cold, and ran down the road to the bridge. There, warm, they started walking hand in hand. A flush came into the sky. The waned moon, halfway down the west, sank into insignificance. On the shadowy land, things began to take life...

  • bikini bridge 比基尼桥

    16-05-26 The bikini bridge is a term for the space you get between your bathing suit bottom and your hip bones when you lie down. 比基尼桥,是指(身材纤瘦的女生穿上比基尼后躺下时)比基尼式泳裤与髋骨形成的桥状空间效果。 There are even facetious comments poste...

  • 水仙花与稳定的结构设计

    16-05-11 In 1940, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed in dramatic fashion, twisting in the wind before it snapped and plunged into the water below. As wind blew across the span, the flow induced oscillating sideways forces that helped bring down the bridge -...