• blazing with color 五彩缤纷

    22-12-31 五彩缤纷,汉语成语,表示颜色繁多,色彩绚丽,十分好看的样子。可以翻译为a riot of colors,blazing with color,colorful等。 例句: 五彩缤纷的旗帜迎风飘扬。 Colorful flags are fluttering in the breeze. 五彩缤纷的礼花腾空而起。 Colorful fireworks shot in...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 22

    22-09-14 When I came back, she had the pillow off her head all right--I knew she would--but she still wouldnt look at me, even though she was laying on her back and all. When I came around the side of the bed and sat down again, she turned her crazy face the...

  • The Mind Is Its Own Place

    16-05-17 The Mind Is Its Own Place Ann Townsend Mated and unmated, starlings swarm the willow with their devotions until the tree roils and sways, wing-beats sounding the torrent through which they swim. Dopamine, paroxetine, an injection of adrenaline into...

  • Waiting for the Breeze

    09-12-21 Waiting for the Breeze 祈盼清风 Lying in bed, by an open window, and listen..... 窗边静躺,细心聆听 No air-conditioning, how can you sleep? my fiend asks, horrified. I've just revealed that my family had decided to shut the air-conditioner off and t...
