13-07-30 A poor servant-girl was once travelling with the family with which she was in service, through a great forest, and when they were in the midst of it, robbers came out of the thicket, and murdered all they found. All perished together except the girl...
12-11-14 But what if I break my arm again? My five year-old daughter asked, her lower lip trembling. I knelt holding onto her bike and looked her right in the eyes. I knew how much she wanted to learn to ride. How often she felt left out when her friends ped...
12-06-06 影片对白 Gabby: How's it going? Howie: Good, good, good. Hanging in there . Gabby: You sure? Becca: Hmm. Howie: Yeah. Hey, Kevin. Kevin: Hi, Howie. Howie: Hi. We um, we just...we found out that Becca's sister is pregnant. So... Becca: Howie, hey. Ho...
12-02-29 Bio break refers to a general break for one's body: stretching one's legs, going to the bathroom, getting a drink of water, etc. The term is generally used during meetings, presentations, and other workplace occasions. Bio break(字面意思为生理休息...
11-12-29 精彩对白 Cobb: You've got the basic layout. Bookstore, caf. Almost everything else is here too. Ariadne: Who are the people? Cobb: Projections of my subconscious. Ariadne: Yours? Cobb: Yes. Remember, you are the dreamer. You build this world. I am t...
09-10-16 Pop group A-ha have announced they are to call it a day, just months after achieving a top 10 album in the UK. 流行乐团A-ha宣布解散,此前几个月他们曾进入英国专辑排行榜前10名。 The band formed in 1982, and scored their first hit three years later We'...
09-08-25 Los Angeles police are investigating after Mean Girls star Lindsay Lohan's home was broken into for the second time in three months. 洛杉矶警方着手调查Mean Girls影星Lindsay Lohan住宅三个月内两次遭窃案件。 Lohan was not at the house when the burglary...
09-08-21 The Black Eyed Peas have broken a US chart record by notching up 20 weeks on top of the singles countdown. Black Eyed Peas乐队连续20周保持美国单曲排行榜榜首,打破此项记录。 The Black Eyed Peas have had US and UK chart success in 2009 The RB act's so...
09-08-20 One of Germany's largest video games publishers has said that the UK's retail chains make it difficult for publishers to break into the UK market. 德国最大的视频游戏生厂商之一称,英国的零售链条使外国出版商难以进入英国市??The lack of royalties for...
09-08-15 U2's first UK gig in their current tour is expected to have broken the attendance record for a Wembley Stadium concert, organisers have said. 组织人员称,U2乐队第一次英国演唱会将要打破温布利体育场演唱会的上座率。 U2 play Glasgow, Sheffield and Cardi...