• 很多慢性疼痛与大脑有关

    12-07-02 When people have similar injuries, why do some end up with chronic pain while others recover and are pain free? The first longitudinal brain imaging study to track participants with a new back injury has found the chronic pain is all in their heads...

  • 脑电图能检测出自闭症

    12-06-26 A simple brain trace can identify autism in children as young as two years old, scientists believe. 科学家相信,一个简单的脑部测试就可以检测出低至两岁的儿童是否患自闭症。 The researchers found 33 EEG patterns linked to autism A US team at Boston Chi...

  • 缺少Snf2l基因的鼠类大脑会变大

    12-05-16 Scientists at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) and the University of Ottawa (uOttawa) have discovered that mice that lack a gene called Snf2l have brains that are 35 per cent larger than normal. The research, led by Dr. David Picketts a...

  • 长寿啮齿动物有完善的大脑保护机制

    12-05-14 The typical naked mole rat lives 25 to 30 years, during which it shows little decline in activity, bone health, reproductive capacity and cognitive ability. What is the secret to this East African rodent's long, healthy life? Scientists from the Uni...

  • 音乐训练有助于婴儿大脑发育

    12-05-10 After completing the first study of its kind, researchers at McMaster University have discovered that very early musical training benefits children even before they can walk or talk. They found that one-year-old babies who participate in interactive...

  • 社交与合作能提高人类智力

    12-04-20 Scientists have discovered proof that the evolution of intelligence and larger brain sizes can be driven by cooperation and teamwork, shedding new light on the origins of what it means to be human. The study appears online in the journal Proceedings...

  • Brain candy 脑轻松

    12-04-17 Brain candy describes an experience that is enjoyable because it stimulates the mind pleasantly, but doesn't actually make it work, usually in reference to light and fluffy books, movies, TV shows, and other entertainment. Brain candy(脑轻松)指让...

  • 人类意识的奥秘

    12-04-05 Awakening from anesthesia(麻醉) is often associated with an initial phase of delirious(神经错乱的) struggle before the full restoration of awareness and orientation to one's surroundings. Scientists now know why this may occur: primitive conscio...

  • 研究:打盹能增强记忆

    12-03-31 It turns out that nodding off in class may not be such a bad idea after all, as a new study has shown that going to sleep shortly after learning new material is the best way to remember it. 看来在课堂上打瞌睡也许并不是坏事。一项新研究显示,学完新知...

  • 人脑阿片受体原子结构被确立

    12-03-22 Scientists have for the first time determined the three-dimensional atomic structure of a human opioid(阿片样物质) receptor, a molecule on the surface of brain cells that binds to opioids and is centrally involved in pleasure, pain, addiction, dep...