• 中国将启动在线盲文平台

    19-03-15 China will launch an online braille platform with a translation function to make it easier for the visually impaired to read what they want, authorities said Thursday. 中国将启动一个具有翻译功能的在线盲文平台以帮助视觉障碍人群读到想看的东西。 The Br...

  • 全国大学英语考试将推出盲文试卷

    17-06-18 Five blind students joined their peers Saturday to sit the national college English test in Changchun, capital of northeast Chinas Jilin Province, where test papers in Braille were used for the first time. 本周六,吉林长春举行的全国大学英语考试中,...

  • 中国将规范符号语言与盲文

    15-12-30 The government is to map out official standards for sign languages and braille to be used nationwide within the next five years. 中国政府将要制定符号语言与盲文的官方标准,该标准将于未来五年内全国推广。 China has more than 30 million people with hear...
