• 分手

    22-06-14 1. Finish with somebody Finish有完成、结束的意思,要是和某人finish了,意思就是俩人关系结束了。 例:She finished with her boyfriend last week. 她上周跟她男友分手了。 2. Say goodbye to somebody 这个短语可以表示告别,但在特定的语境中也可以指分手。 例:...

  • Boyfriend Upgrade

    16-07-13 Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed that the new program began making unexpected changes to the accounting modules, limiting access to flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly und...

  • boyfriend/girlfriend drop 扔男友/女友

    16-07-05 Boyfriend/girlfriend drop refers to the act of subtly adding the fact that you have a boyfriend/girlfriend into the conversation in order to deter anyone who is potentially interested in you. 扔男友/女友指在聊天的时候不经意提起自己有男朋友或女朋友的...

  • 拨打911

    16-01-27 Jennifer and Amanda were very good friends. Now in college, they had been friends since grade school. Jennifer was the smart, intelligent one. Amanda was the fun-loving, kind of sluttish one. One night, Amanda was chatting on the Internet while Jenn...

  • 奇葩分手理由大搜罗

    15-06-23 10. I broke up with my boyfriend because he pours in milk and then the cereal. That s**t is unacceptable! 9. I broke up with a girl because she got mad when I played my ukulele. 8. I broke up with my last boyfriend primarily because he wasn't nerdy...

  • A Puzzling Puzzle

    14-10-22 A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get it started. Her boyfriend asks, What is it supposed to be when it's finished? The blonde says, According to th...

  • shopping boyfriend 陪购男友

    13-12-10 Shopping boyfriend , a new career, refers to a man who is hired to accompany a woman on a shopping trip. 陪购男友是个新职业,是指那些被女人雇用、陪伴女人购物的临时男伴。 A shopping boyfriend is always happy to take his female client around, helps he...

  • 《爱在黎明破晓时》五

    13-07-31 精彩对白 Jesse: We haven't talked about this yet, but are you dating anyone? You got a boyfriend waiting on you back in Paris or anything like that? Celine: No, not right now. Jesee: But you did. Celine: We broke up six months ago. Jesse: Six months...

  • Respectable Boyfriend

    11-01-05 Mother to daughter: What kind of person is your new boyfriend? Is he respectable(值得尊敬的) ? Of cause he is, Mom. He's thrifty(节约的,茂盛的) , doesn't drink or smoke, has a very nice wife and three well-behaved children....

  • Many UK teenage girls abused by boyfriends: study 调查:英国

    09-09-12 A third of teenage British girls say they have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of their boyfriends, according to a report by a children's charity on Tuesday. A quarter of girls also experienced violence, the National Society for the Prevention of...