• 为什么圆形的披萨要装在方形的纸板盒里

    22-03-28 你可曾好奇过,为什么圆形的披萨要装在方形的纸板盒里呢?装在圆形的披萨盒里不是更严丝合缝吗?本文来为你揭晓答案。 If youre like most people, youre too busy eating pizza to stop and consider the logistics of how it arrived on your kitchen counter. Ponde...

  • 英国数千座红色电话亭将得以保存

    22-01-22 英国电信监管机构表示,将保留英国各地数千座公用电话亭。在移动信号差或事故高发地区,以及在当地社区仍有需要的情况下,电话亭将可以继续使用。 The UKs first phone boxes started popping up in 1921, with the iconic red design appearing five years later. At...

  • to tick all the boxes 满足所有的要求,符合所有的标准

    21-06-15 在填写表格时,通常需要在相对应符合条件的方框里打勾 tick the box。表达 to tick all the boxes 正由此衍生,用来描述一个人或事物符合所有条件,故 在所有的框里都打了勾。使用时,可以用形容词性物主代词替换 to tick all the boxes 中的 the。比如:to tick all m...

  • Cardboard Figures in a Landscape

    15-11-13 Cardboard Figures in a Landscape Elaine Equi A truck goes by. It sounds like a truck full of boxes. Heavy things getting jostled, sliding around on top of each other. Sex between boxes. With boxes one doesn't know what one is getting into. A thud. A...

  • 英国乡村邮筒装电子标签防盗

    15-08-09 Rural post boxes are being fitted with electronic tags to deter criminals from stealing them to sell for 5,000 or more. 英国乡村地区的邮筒近日被装上电子标签,以遏制罪犯偷盗邮筒并将其以5000英镑或更多的价钱卖掉。 At least 100 of the traditional red bo...

  • God's Boxes

    12-09-11 I have in my hands two boxes which God gave me to hold. He said, Put all your sarrows in the black box, and all your joys in the gold. I heeded his words, and in the two boxes both my joys and sarrows I stored. But though the gold became heavier eac...
