• 12个押韵的英文短语

    22-05-24 1. toss and turn (尤指因无法入睡而)翻来覆去,辗转反侧 I was tossing and turning all night. 我整晚辗转反侧,无法入睡。 2. cut and thrust 唇枪舌剑,激烈争论 She enjoys the cut and thrust of party politics. 她喜欢党派政治中的唇枪舌剑。 3. born and br...

  • I was not born yesterday 别骗我;我又不是小孩

    22-04-12 I was not born yesterday 别骗我;我又不是小孩 老外对你说 I was not born yesterday 的时候,绝不是在讨论年纪。这个表达的字面意思是我不是昨天出生的,言外之意是别把我当成三岁小孩糊弄,我是不会信的。 有人糊弄你的时候,不妨对他说上一句 I was not born yest...

  • "00后"用英语怎么说

    21-08-03 00后用英语怎么说呢? 我们常说的00后,其实有很多表达方法,最直白的就是the generation born in the 00s或者the generation after 00s。 The generation born after 00s is full of energies. 00后充满活力。 那么,80后、90后该怎么说呢? 最简单的说法和上面说过的...

  • 研究:剖腹产的婴儿更容易肥胖

    17-10-18 Babies born via c-section are more likely to become obese than those born naturally, a study has revealed. 一项研究显示,通过剖腹产出生的婴儿比顺产出生的婴儿更容易出现肥胖问题。 Research from New York University found that mice born via a c-section...

  • 角象龙鸣

    14-10-17 Da Fuquan made a born that could make sounds of dragon. He blew the born by the deep pool near Mountain Nanshang. Hearing the sound, the three-legged turtle in the pool thought that people were to catch it and eat it. So it got so frightened that it...

  • 全世界每年有1/10的婴儿早产

    12-05-03 Fifteen million babies, one in ten births, are born prematurely every year, a global project suggests. 一项全球项目显示,每年有1/10、大约1500万婴儿是早产儿。 One million of these babies die soon after birth. The joint report, led by the WHO, says th...

  • 孕妇进行化疗对胎儿似乎没有影响

    11-09-27 Children born after their mothers were treated with chemotherapy during pregnancy appear to be unaffected by the experience in terms of the development of their mental processes and the normal functioning of their hearts, according to new research p...

  • 数学能力是与生俱来的

    11-08-09 We accept that some people are born with a talent for music or art or athletics. But what about mathematics? Do some of us just arrive in the world with better math skills than others? It seems we do, at least according to the results of a study by...

  • Boy conceived using new test born 采用新方法受孕的婴儿出生

    09-09-02 The first baby conceived with the help of a new egg screening technique which could offer hope to women for whom IVF has repeatedly failed has been born. 第一例通过卵细胞筛选技术的帮助而出生的婴儿可能会给试管受精屡次失败的妇女提供帮助。 Professor Si...
