• wet blanket 扫兴的人

    21-11-19 如果某人做了一些事情或说了一些话,让其他人无法继续尽兴下去,就可以用搭配 wet blanket 来形容这个人是 扫兴的人。 例句 Lets go to the party dont be a wet blanket! 一起去那个聚会吧!别扫大家的兴。 Hes such a wet blanket. He doesnt make jokes, and takes...

  • be a wet blanket 煞风景

    21-11-15 朋友聚会时,所有人聊得正嗨,却突然有人冒出一句让大家接不下去的话。你的朋友圈有没有这种人煞风景的人呢? 煞风景[sh fēng jǐng]本意指破坏美好的景物,煞表示weaken,spoil。引申含义为说话、做事让别人扫兴(stop other people from enjoying themselves by say...

  • 出版业词汇3

    13-02-19 backing 起脊 backlist 重版书目 back orders 订购购书单 back page 封底 back number 过期杂志 Baedeker 导游手册,入门手册 BA The Booksellers Association 英国书商协会 background reading 背景读物 bamboo slip 竹简 banned book 禁书 Bantam Books, Inc. 矮脚鸡...

  • 一床双人毛毯

    12-11-15 It was a fine September night, with a silver moon riding high. They washed up the supper dishes and then took their chairs out onto the porch. I'll get my fiddle(小提琴) , said the old man, and play you some of the old tunes. But instead of the fi...

  • Let's Pretend

    10-12-08 A man and a woman who have never met before find themselves in the same sleeping carriage(硬卧) on a train. After the initial embarrassment they both go to sleep -- the man on the top bunk(铺位,床铺) , and the woman on the lower. In the middle...
