• 共享单车促进北斗导航系统的应用

    17-05-18 Chinas BeiDou Navigation Satellite System will see wider civilian application in the coming two years both at home and abroad, as the domestically developed system is increasingly used in shared bicycles, logistics, precision farming and other indus...

  • 厦门建成首条空中自行车专用道

    17-01-24 Chinas first bike lane in the sky was recently completed in the southeastern city of Xiamen. 中国首条空中自行车专用道最近在厦门完工。 The 7.6-kilometer-long lane is also the longest in the world to be built on raised platforms. It has 11 exits, conn...

  • 英国男孩已故父亲送的自行车失而复得

    16-12-10 This is the heartwarming moment a boy who had a bike given to him by his late father stolen by thieves saw that it had been returned. 近日,在一个小男孩身上发生了感人的一幕,小偷偷走了男孩已故父亲送给他的自行车,但后来又还了回来。 Nine-year-old Jame...

  • 智利工程师发明“偷不走的自行车”

    15-08-09 A trio of Chilean engineers say they have found a way to thwart determined thieves with what they claim is the world's first 'unstealable bike.' 三名智利工程师宣称发明了世界上首款偷不走的自行车,他们表示,这下那些信誓旦旦的偷车贼肯定没辙了。 The des...

  • 巴黎将成为“世界自行车之都”

    15-04-08 Paris is to double the number of cycling lanes by 2020 as part of its Socialist mayor's push to turn the city into the world's bike capital. 隶属社会党的巴黎市长力争将巴黎打造为世界自行车之都,其中一项计划是到2020年,巴黎的自行车道长度将是目前的两倍...

  • Courage and Bravery For Life

    14-11-19 A man appears before St. Peter at the pearly gates. Have you ever done anything of particular merit? St. Peter asks. Well, I can think of one thing, the man offers. On a trip to the Black Hills, out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of macho biker...

  • 纽约启动自行车共享方案

    13-05-28 New York City has launched the first phase of its bike-share programme 10 months after it was scheduled to start. 纽约城启动自行车分享项目第一期,该项目距计划启动日期已有10个月之久。 The scheme placed 6,000 bikes at 333 stations in the boroughs(区...

  • 世界最长摩托车 22米

    11-07-30 在管道工科林福尔泽的巧手之下,一辆世界上最长的摩托车诞生了,这辆摩托车长达22米(72英尺),设有25个座位。吉尼斯世界纪录到目前为止所记录的最长的摩托车车身长为14米。 Colin Furze's 72ft motorbike can seat 25 and what's more he's proved it can be driven...

  • 哥本哈根将建设自行车高速路

    10-12-04 为了鼓励更多人骑自行车出行,丹麦首都哥本哈根计划将现有的自行车道改建为自行车高速路。 People ride their bicycles on Noerrebrogade boulevard, Copenhagen, on Oct 2. Copenhagen is already one of the world\s most bicycle-friendly cities. Copenhagen, one...

  • Bike Fright

    09-11-04 OK, you can do this, I said, trying to sound cheerful. My mom sat straddling(跨) her brand-new bike, her new helmet falling forward over her eyes. She gripped the handlebars(把手) the way I had seen her grip the steering wheel in heavy traffic,...