• a big deal 非常重要

    21-09-02 短语 a big deal 常被用来形容某人或某个情况、形势非常重要。 例句 Its obviously a big deal to her to get a promotion first because she can move up in the company faster than anybody else in the team. I just couldnt understand why they quarrelled so mu...

  • big cheese 核心领导人物

    21-08-19 在一个企业里,核心领导人物往往被称为 big cheese。这个表达的字面意思是大奶酪,一个非常口语化的称呼,所以在使用时要格外注意场合,最好别直接叫领导 big cheese。 例句 If you want to get anything done here, you need to speak to the big cheese. Since he be...

  • big dataed 被大数据

    20-12-27 Big dataed means being the target of big data, as doing a Google search for something and then being sent targeted ads for that thing for a month. 被大数据(big dataed)指沦为大数据的追踪目标,比如在谷歌上搜了个什么事,之后的一个月你都会收到根据这项...

  • 'big fish' 'small fish'和'cold fish'有何区别?

    20-10-16 A big fish in a small pond a big fish in a small pond是指某个小圈子或小组里的杰出人物。 You should move to a smaller company so you can be a big fish in a small pond. 你应该去小点的公司,这样你就是那里的大人物了。 Kettle of fish Kettle of fish可以指...

  • big sister 御姐

    20-10-14 很多网友说来参赛的都是御姐,那么什么是御姐? 御姐是网络流行语,本义是对姐姐的敬称。源于日语御姉(おねえ)。 御姐一般指具有个性、外表成熟的女性,性格坚强,心智成熟,给人以一种大姐大的感觉。 曾经大陆有部安以轩、朱一龙主演的电视剧叫御姐归来,片名被翻译...

  • 中国将建造综合大数据中心

    17-05-18 China plans to build an integrated national big data center, an official said on Wednesday. 中国计划建造一座国家级综合大数据中心。 The center aims to promote better sharing of public data for wider application, especially for data in sectors such as...

  • 青蛙和牛

    13-11-29 An ox, grazing in a swampy(沼泽的) meadow, chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs, and crushed nearly the whole brood to death. One that escaped ran off to his mother with the dreadful news. Oh, mother! said he ,It was a beast - suc...

  • Big hands 大手

    11-12-13 Teacher: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have? Student: Big hands. 老师:如果我左手上有7个桔子,右手上有8个桔子。那么我有什么? 学生:大手。...

  • 《爱丽丝漫游仙境》四

    11-06-24 精彩对白 Alice: They are wonderful. You must let me try one on. Hatter: It's good to be working with my trade again. Alice: It's just a pity you have to make them for her. Hatter: What does the hatter with mean? Alice: Hatter! Hatter: Do you have an...

  • Stop acting like such a big baby 不要像个大孩子

    09-09-29 想想吧,如果停止抱怨的话你会变得多么快乐。反正那些事情又无力改变,整天想着那些你无力改变的事情又有什么意义呢?如果你来问我,我会说那样很愚蠢。当你意识到自己在抱怨的时候,停下来,问问自己是要变得快乐,还是继续这样抱怨下去。 你准备好过没有抱怨,更加快...