• 名家关于读书的见解

    21-04-23 读书的重要性是不言而喻的,但是要如何选书,如何读书呢?不妨来看看名家关于读书的见解。 1. READ BOOKS FROM ERAS PAST // ALBERT EINSTEIN 爱因斯坦:读读过去的书 Keeping up with current events and the latest buzz-worthy book from the bestseller list is no...

  • 丹麦富翁在斯里兰卡失去三个孩子

    19-04-23 Danish billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen lost three of his four children in the Easter day attacks in Sri Lanka, a spokesman for his clothing retail group Bestseller said on Monday. 绫致集团一位发言人周一称,丹麦亿万富翁安德斯霍尔希波维森在斯里兰卡复...

  • 莎拉·佩林回忆录打入畅销书排行榜

    09-11-27 Former US vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's memoir has topped the US bestseller list in its first week of release, industry figures have shown. 前美国副总统候选人莎拉佩林的回忆录发行第一周便打入美国畅销书排行榜首位。 A string of public appea...
